Tuesday, February 26, 2013

The Day We Have Been Waiting For...

These past few weeks have been so crazy. We made two trips to Rigby, I started my new job, we celebrated our first anniversary, we got sealed, and we both got nasty colds. It's been hectic, but full of so much happiness. My pictures uploaded backwards... So the first stuff that happened is at the bottom and I'm too lazy to change it so I'm just going to go in reverse. Mix things up :]

We have been looking forward to this day for over a year! It's so crazy it's all over and done now. Everything went so perfectly. We had about 30 minutes before the sealing that we just got to sit together in the temple in a absolutely beautiful room and all I could think is "I love him so much! I can't believe this is happening!" We were able to have lots of family and friends there with us and the ones that couldn't be there supported us one hundred percent. Anthany's family put together a really nice luncheon for everyone afterwards. Then we both went to spend time with my family and play games. We also got to eat Pizza Pie Cafe. Yum. It was an amazing day. I can't say that enough. And now we can go to the temple whenever we want to! And we are really enjoying that. So here are some sealing pictures :]
I am so blessed with the family that I have! Including my amazing In-laws! Having my mom right beside me at the temple and everything leading up to it was so wonderful. She is the greatest. Also, it was so fun having my sister and brother-in-law there. I loved how excited everyone was for us.
Where do I even begin? This girl is the best. She supported me through this whole process, took awesome pictures for us at the temple, hung out with me allll weekend [even when I got a nasty migraine and was no fun at all]. I love my best friend and I'm lucky to have her! I will be so glad when she gets married and sealed and I will be able to be there for her!
Heading to the temple! Such a different feeling than our wedding day. No stress, no crazy butterflies in the stomach, no wondering if everything was ready, it was just pure happiness and excitement.
This picture was the night I got my endowment. The temple was everything and more that I thought it would be. I love the peace that is there and I know I will definitely be learning more and more every time I go. I never realized how much joy the temple would bring to us. When we got there I was overwhelmed with happiness, nerves, excitement, and just the unsurety of the unknown. But the temple workers are so sweet and helpful. So everything went mostly pretty smooth. I love the Idaho Falls Temple. Afterwards, my brain definitely felt a little fried and we were STARVING. So we went to Papa Kelsey's [Anthany's favorite place in Rigby]. I'm just so grateful for this entire experience.
Also, while we were in Rigby we got to play SO much foosball! We are both really good and we have alot of fun playing. It definitely gets very competitive though. So overall it was a really good trip. We both had a lot of fun spending time with family and friends.

Before all of that... haha we celebrated our first anniversary! Anthany had school most of the afternoon so we got to spend the evening together. It's so crazy it has already been a year! We have been holding on to the top part of our wedding cake all year now cause it's a tradition to eat wedding cake on your first anniversary! Anthany was pretty skeptical, but he humored me anyways. I took one bite and it was SO nasty. Cake is not meant frozen for a year and then eaten. Yuck.
My present to Anthany was some chocolates, sparkling cider, and chocolate dipped strawberries! Yummy! I even bought dollar store wine glasses :] haha We rented Celeste and Jesse Forever [which is a very misleading title because it is actually not so much a romance..] We also went out to eat at our favorite restaruant, Cracker Barrell! We will definitely miss eating there when we move away from Boise.
Anthany really suprised me with some flowers! Usually he is at school from 12 to 6, no breaks. But during the middle of that, he suddenly walks in holding flowers! They are beautiful! They are looking pretty dead right now, but I'm just not ready to throw them away!
So that was our last few weeks in a nutshell! My job at Dillard's is going pretty good! I'm in the Kid's Shoes department which is pretty laidback. I get along great with my coworkers and the management is great. So I'm happy that all fell into place! Also, other big news. Anthany got accepted into Byu-I! So we will be moving back to Rexburg in about three months. It's all pretty crazy but we are so excited. It will be so good to be around family and friends again. Plus we both just love that side of the state. Even though it's sad to be leaving all our new friends here, we know we are making the right decision. Now, I'm just sitting on the couch with a box of tissues catching up on my tv shows. I have a nasty cold that I am SO ready to be over. I think it's just that time of year for everyone?
I feel like there is so much more I could say and write about these past few weeks but to sum it all up, it was AMAZING and we could not be happier. It's been a huge year of changes for us and I can't wait to see what this next year brings!
