I'm a few days late.. and I'm typing this one handed cause I'm holding my cute baby but Clara is five weeks old! I have loved getting to know her. She is 7 lbs 13 oz right now. She is in the 4th percentile for her height and the 8th percentile for her weight. So she is pretty tiny!
As soon as Anthany gets home at night, Clara is a daddy's girl. There is nothing sweeter than seeing Anthany with our daughter. He is so good to her; she is crazy about him!
Clara is such a sweet, patient baby. But when she sleeps, she has some sass. She is SO posey with her hands. I take pictures all day cause she is always doing something new and silly with them. And she HATES waking up. She usually grunts, growls, throws her arms around, and cries for several minutes before she will open up her eyes. Then she has to stretch out her whole entire body. I usually just rub her cheek and kiss her to try to make waking up less terrible. Clara loves sleeping in her swing which is really nice but I also hate it. I love cuddling her while she sleeps. Sometimes I hold her even though I know she would sleep better if I put her down.
We found music albums called Rockabye Baby. They have these awesome lullabies made from songs by artists like Taylor Swift, The Beatles, Maroon 5, and Elvis to name a few. She LOVES her music. Whenever she starts freaking out, if I play her songs she settles right down. She still struggles with her pacifier. We put it back in her mouth SO many times a day. Sometimes she will just let it sit hanging halfway out of her mouth. She loves taking baths. Her little mouth hangs open and her eyes look glazed over and totally relaxed. It's pretty cute. She has never cried in the bathtub. However, she gets so sad when we take her out. I think partly because it's cold, but I think also she just really loves being in the bath haha. We like to warm up her towel for her in the dryer and I think that helps.
I love my baby girl so much. I just stare at her while she sleeps and think about how I can't believe how lucky I am. Being a mom is what I have always wanted for as long as I can remember; sometimes I still can't believe that I am a mom now. I definitely miss sleeping at night. I miss being selfish with money and being whatever I wanted. I miss when I could just pick up and go somewhere. Now I have to think about if Clara has been changed, packing burp cloths, the germs she will be exposed to, if it works with her feeding schedule. It is hard. But just like everyone says, it's so worth it. Happy one month, Clara Bug!