Saturday, June 20, 2015

Clara's Birth Story

Before Clara was born, I thought I didn't have time for blogging. Now that she is here, I definitely don't have time for blogging! But I really want to remember everything about when she was born so I'm making time! So here is the story of the most stressful, exciting, happy, and scary day ever!

On June 3 at approximately 4:45 AM, I woke up out of my sleep because I had felt a little pop. I got up to go to the bathroom and water was running down my legs. I yelled for Anthany and told him my water had broke! When he came into the bathroom, my whole body was shivering uncontrollably. He asked if I was okay and I said I wasn't sure haha. I think it was just excitement and adrenaline and terror all kicking in at once. I tried to call my doctor's office to get the after hours phone number. I had to call three times because I couldn't focus long enough to listen to the whole recording and get the phone number. After I finally talked to the doctor, we started getting ready to head to the hospital. The whole thing didn't feel real because I wasn't even having any contractions. I did my hair, packed my last few things, and asked Anthany for a blessing. I don't really remember anything he said because I was basically in shock this whole time but I do remember that I felt so calm afterwards. I do remember him blessing me that my body would know what to do. 

On the way to the hospital, I got to experience my first contraction. I was not impressed. During pregnancy, I was always scared that I wouldn't know if I was actually in labor or not. After experiencing contractions, I know that it is definitely unmistakable. All the pain was in my back. After we checked in at the hospital, I told them right away that I was ready for the epidural. I had no interest in trying to do it naturally. I was having strong contractions in my back about every three minutes. I had Group B Strep so I had to be on antibiotics for four hours before I delivered Clara so that she wouldn't get sick. I told the nurse that Clara had been posterior [she was face-up instead of face-down like she was supposed to be] at my last appointment. When they checked me at about 8:00 I was only dilated to a 2, but the nurse said that she didn't think Clara was posterior anymore.

Getting my IV was a horrible experience. I'm terrible with needles and Anthany let the nurse know what a wimp I am. She decided this was a good time to tell me that they were giving me a larger needle than what they use at the doctor's office. She was also nice enough to let me know that this would hurt more than it usually did. Dummy. She got the needle in and was wiggling it around for a long time. I started to feel so nauseous so she finally gave up and said she was going to get another nurse to come try. The second nurse tried on my other arm. She got the needle in and started messing with the IV bags and I started to feel so much pressure in my arm. Turns out, my vein had burst. So she said she was going to get another nurse to come try. I really tried to hide how annoyed I was. Luckily, the third nurse was finally able to give me my stinking IV. Then, I had to wait FOREVER for the epidural. There was an emergency that the anesthesiologist was dealing with so we had to wait. They tried giving me some pain medicine but it did not help. Back labor was so horrible; I didn't think there was anyway I was going to be able to last much longer. 

They checked me at 10:00 and I was at a 7! I was so excited that I was progressing fast. I asked again if Clara was in the right position and they said that she was. Before labor, the epidural was so scary to me. But I was in so much pain and I figured there was no way it could be worse than the IV was so I was ready for it! Turns out, it wasn't bad at all! And I felt SO much better after. Probably at least 20 times I said to Anthany, "I just feel so great right now!" It instantly calmed me down and I was able to just hang out and watch TV. I will definitely get an epidural every single time haha. The nurse said I would probably be ready to push soon but it was important that we waited till 12 so that the antibiotics would have enough time to kick in. Anthany and I tried to take a nap but we were just way too excited. 

My whole pregnancy, we had loved the name Clara. However, I am so indecisive that I refused to say that was her name until I had seen her. I knew that I wanted her middle name to be Louise, after my mom. That was the only part I was sure about. While we were sitting waiting, Anthany asked if her name was Clara. I told him not yet haha. Finally, it was 12:00! The nurse came in and said we were going to start pushing and getting things going. The doctor would come when Clara was almost here. When they were getting set up for me to push, my whole body started shivering uncontrollably again and I got so nauseous. They put me on oxygen to help me not throw up. They had me push for about 30 minutes, but Clara was not budging. Turns out, she actually was posterior. But now that she was farther down, it was going to be a lot harder to get her to turn. I was so frustrated that I tried to tell them twice and that they didn't realize she was facing the wrong way. The nurse said Dr. Evans would be there in 20 minutes and they didn't want me to push anymore until then. So we just had to wait around again. 

20 minutes turned out to actually be almost an hour and a half. Then it was finally go time! When I had contractions, they had me push and Dr. Evans would try to turn Clara. Clara had pooped, so they warned me that when she came out she wouldn't be crying and a respiratory nurse would have to help her. This next part of labor is what I remember most. It was the most chaotic, emotional part and I can remember it so vividly. I hadn't been pushing very long when Dr. Evans said he didn't think they would be able to turn Clara and she wasn't progressing anymore. Also, she wasn't handling labor very well and her heartbeat was all over the place. He said we would have to use the vacuum or I needed an emergency c-section. I said I would like to try to push her out with the vacuum if she was okay to do that. He said, "I can't promise that she will be okay." At that point, I was pretty much a wreck. I said "I don't understand what you are telling me I should do. If you think I need the emergency c-section then I want to go do that but if she is okay to do the vacuum I would rather do it that way." Dr. Evans reassured me that he had delivered a lot of babies with the vacuum and that he felt confident he could do it. He said it was really important that I stayed focused and did everything exactly how he told me to. I appreciate so much how calm and comforting Anthany was. I know he was just as scared and worried as I was but he never let me see it. 

Every time after I pushed, Dr. Evans would say "What's the heartbeat? How is she doing?" I could tell he was worried. He asked if the baby had a name. Anthany and I looked at each other and he said "Her name is Clara." I wasn't anxious about picking her name anymore. It's just who she was. Dr. Evans said "Come on, Clara. We need you to come right now." They put the vacuum on her but it somehow slipped and came off. Luckily, Clara flipped at the perfect moment and I pushed and she was born! I was instantly worried about her. Especially because she was crying when she came out and the doctor said that she shouldn't. The whole time they measured and checked her I was freaking out. I just wanted them to say that she was okay. 

Finally, they gave Clara to me. I just cried. I can't even explain that moment. I was so relieved she was okay. I couldn't believe that she was ours. It was just incredible. I feel like the pictures show it better than I can tell it. 

Anthany got to hold her and give her the first bath. He was so sweet with her from the very first second. Clara LOVES her daddy. 

Clara Louise McCabe was born at 2:01 PM after about nine and a half hours of labor. She was 7 pounds. They said she was 20 inches long, but my pediatrician says she was actually only 19 inches haha. She came when I was only 38 weeks, but the doctor said if she had been any bigger, she wouldn't have been able to turn so I'm so grateful she came when she did. We love our sweet baby girl so much! And I am SO happy to be done being pregnant!

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